The involution process is different from one woman to the next – depending on age and physical condition, including the condition of connective tissues, muscles and bones. Involution is influenced by hormones, and the body quite literally recedes inwards immediately after the birth.
The mother’s postnatal recovery period is of vital importance. Make sure that the days following the birth are full of peace and care so that you can soon regain your strength. You are welcome to come and participate in our involution groups around 4–6 weeks following the birth. If you are able to come by yourself, you will be able to devote your full attention to yourself and your exercises. However, if you’d like to bring your baby, we’ll be delighted to welcome you both.
The involution sessions focus on helping you to find yourself in your old-new body, both as a mother and as a woman. We provide you with a range of gentle yet effective exercises that restore the muscular balance between the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. The goal of these involution exercises is to restore a certain firmness to the abdominal wall and pelvic floor. The abdominal muscles are overstretched during pregnancy, while the pelvic floor muscles are overstretched during birth (and thus require gentle, strengthening exercises, even following a Caesarean). Overstretching means weakening, making gentle restoration of healthy muscular tension so important – including for your posture. Your entire spine will thank you. We enjoy our practice, and never push too far.
These groups also leave enough space for questions, and we share our challenges, experiences, strengths and weaknesses so that we can learn from one another — from Mama to Mama.
All sessions can be booked normally in a block of 5 or 10, or using time cards. The session timetable or online registration can be found here.
As a woman, you are our priority: we look forward to welcoming all Mamas!