Acro Yoga Beginners Workshop 24.2.2019

Hel­lo dear people! 🙂

Our next Acroyo­ga 3‑hours work­shop for begin­ners will be on the 24th of Feb­ru­ary 2019 at our beloved stu­dio Feel­go­od Stu­dio in Vienna!

(You don’t need a part­ner to join the work­shop or pre­vi­ous experience!)

What is Acroyoga?

Acroyo­ga is the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of Yoga prac­tice, Acro­bat­ics and Thai Massage.

In this work­shop, we are going to show you the basic tech­niques and easy moves to devel­op a prop­er and safe prac­tice. We will start build­ing the prac­tice from the begin­ning, so you don’t need to be wor­ried about anything!

We will focus on the prop­er align­ment, sta­bil­i­ty, strength, and maybe most impor­tant, on hav­ing fun play­ing and work­ing with each oth­er. You don’t need to come with a part­ner, there are always peo­ple with whom you can practise. 🙂


12:00h ‑13:30: First session
13:30h ‑14:00h: Break
14:00h — 15:30h: Sec­ond session


Sun­day, 24th of Feb­ru­ary 2019.
From 12:00h until 15:30h.


Feel­go­od Stu­dio (4th Dis­trict) in Vien­na (Aus­tria).

1040 Wien, Paulan­er­gasse 13, 2. Stock, Loft; OR
Baby-Dri­ve-In Waag­gasse 6


* Send us an email to to reserve your spot. We have lim­it­ed space, so reserve your spot as soon as you decide to join.

* Price: 3 hours work­shop: 50 euros/person. The advanced pay­ment will be accept­ed JUST through bank transfer.

* Please note that your spot is booked ONLY AFTER your pay­ment has been received.

* If you can­cel your reg­is­tra­tion until max­i­mum 48h PRIOR to the work­shop you will get all your advanced pay­ment back.


You can reach us the eas­i­est way via a mes­sage on FB or via email to

We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing you there and fly together! 🙂

One Love
Om Shanti

Shi­va and Shakti