
Gua-Sha is an ancient Chi­nese heal­ing method, lit­er­al­ly means “Gua-Sha” (Gua) of ten­sions with sub­se­quent skin red­ness (Sha). Sha means direct­ly trans­lat­ing ill­ness and sand, mean­ing a sub­lime, chirp-like skin rash, which can be visu­al­ized by Gua Sha as a sub­lime skin col­oration in the skin sur­face. From a West­ern-school-med­ical point of view Sha cor­re­sponds to the petechia (point-shaped cap­il­lary bleed­ing in the haute) and the ecchy­moses (exten­sive skin bleeding).

The deep mus­cle regions are stim­u­lat­ed with a “scraper” of water buf­fa­lo horn or jade, stim­u­lat­ing the metab­o­lism and stim­u­lat­ing the detox­i­fi­ca­tion of the tis­sue. Accord­ing to the TCM, the exter­nal path­o­gen­ic fac­tors are main­ly caused, as well as Qi, blood and Jin-Ye body flu­ids (v.a in the mus­cu­lo­tendi­nous tracts) are set in motion. Fur­ther­more, fresh Qi is gen­er­at­ed and guid­ed into the depth and the sta­bi­liza­tion of the skin pores is stim­u­lat­ed to avoid the fur­ther pen­e­tra­tion of exoge­nous path­o­gen­ic factors.

Gua-Sha can be suc­cess­ful­ly used in the fol­low­ing con­di­tions: sinusi­tis (sinusi­tis), ten­nis arm, shoul­der-arm syn­drome, trav­el sick­ness, hypertension

Gua-Sha can not be used in the fol­low­ing con­traindi­ca­tions: skin injuries (sores, sands, open eczema, dry haute with rha­gades); Skin tumors (acne, fibro­ma, etc.); Rel­a­tive con­traindi­ca­tions are long cor­ti­sone assump­tions (brit­tle tis­sue); Con­sid­er­able defi­cien­cy (cachex­ia and maras­mus); Blood thin­ning and coag­u­la­tion dis­or­ders.