From 14th September 2017 on, we are happy to welcome Natt & Benji with Acroyoga @Feelgood Studio in 1040, Vienna. You can meet Benji on the 7th of September for all level Yoga @ 7.15 pm
What is Acroyoga?
Acroyoga is the perfect combination of yoga practice, acrobatics and massage. Through the yoga practice we become aware of our breath and we learn to focus on our body. The practice is to help us build our own self-confidence and builds trust in others. It also enhances physical and emotional strenght and balance. Working with other people we get the chance to practice patience, communication, compassion and kindness.
What am I going to learn?
In these classes we are going to show you the basic techniques and moves to develop a proper and safe practice. This is the first time I’ve ever been to Acroyoga. We will focus on the proper alignment, stability, strenght, and maybe most important, on having fun playing and working with each other. Do you want to be with a partner? ?
———————— WHERE————————
Feelgoodstudio, Paulanergasse 13, or Waaggasse 6, 1040, Vienna
Bring some comfortable clothes, something light and easy to eat on our break time and a big smile! ?
We are looking forward to seeing you there and fly together! ?
One Love
Om Shanti
Shiva and Shakti