Our Schedule : 3 Studios + Online

Your class pass is valid in three stu­dios as well as online!

Adding our third stu­dio also meant a lit­tle change to the way you see the sched­ules of each loca­tion. This text here will help you find your class­es and enjoy our big offer­ing even more.

To give an overview please bear in mind that each location/studio has its own schedule:

  • Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1040, Paulan­er­gasse 13, 1040 Vien­na (click here for online sign up)
  • Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1070, Burggasse 31, 1070 Vien­na (click here for online sign up)
  • Feel­go­od­stu­dio Yoga Col­lege 1150, Neubaugür­tel 47/5.OG/Top 1, 1150 Vien­na (click here for online sign up)
  • Feel­go­od­stu­dio Online bei Dir! every­where in the world wide web (click here for online sign up)

In case a class is full, we have imple­ment­ed a wait­list fea­ture: here s the expla­na­tion of our wait­list fea­ture (expla­na­tion in Ger­man)

In order to find the full sched­ule please vis­it: www.feelgoodstudio.at/schedule

…and if you click on the box­es on top you will find the week­ly overview for each location:

Week­ly Overview Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1040


Week­ly Overview Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1070


Week­ly Overview Yoga Col­lege 1150



Week­ly Overview Feel­go­od­stu­dio Online bei Dir! 


… and how does that work on the Ever­sports App? Same same, just click on “Dis­cov­er” and type in the same of the desired location:

If you have any ques­tion regard­ing online sign up or how to find your class please do not hes­i­tate to drop us a message!

See you soon in one of our stu­dios or “in” one of our online classes.