Here are the benefits of your Feelgoodstudio-Membership
đ« pause/freeze memÂberÂship when on vacation/sick etc.: we nevÂer liked that a gym-memÂberÂship goes on and on even though youâre on vacÂtion etc. â so we decidÂed to be difÂferÂent. we pause/freeze your memÂberÂship if you canât pracÂtice (e.g. in case of sickÂness or if you re on vacaÂtion). Please note: minÂiÂmum freeze is 1 week. want to pause/freeze? Drop us an email and weâll sort you out.
đ« bring one friend for free per month. simÂply send us the name by email (please use the email your account is on)
đ« enjoy a 10% disÂcount on workÂshops. want to get your 10%? simÂply send us an email and tell us which workÂshop you want to book.
đ« priÂorÂiÂty on the wait list for classes
đ« free mat storÂage in our three stuÂdios: weâre hapÂpy to store your mat for you! SimÂply put a name tag onto your mat and leave it at the desÂigÂnatÂed mat storÂage area in the studio.
These benÂeÂfits apply to all our memÂberÂship (UnlimÂitÂed MemÂberÂship, UnlimÂitÂed ChristÂmas MemÂberÂship, Online UnlimÂitÂed MemÂberÂship, LimÂitÂed MemÂberÂship etc). all memÂberÂships can be bought here.