Frequently asked questions
What is Yoga?
“yogaś citta-vrtti-nirodhah”
Yoga is that inner state in which the mind comes to rest -.
Patañjali Yoga Sutra, I.2
For some people yoga is a sport, for others it is meditation. For many people it is a way, a philosophy of life, which helps them to get to know themselves better, to recognize their limits and to perceive their own body and mind more intensively.
From thousands of years of tradition, a variety of different approaches, schools and yoga paths have developed, which have carried yoga from India to the world — from acrobatics to absolute tranquility — everything is possible. You can only find out for yourself what is right for you.
Am I flexible enough for yoga? Am I even suitable to start with yoga?
OF COURSE!!! Yoga is not about flexibility. It’s not about finding the perfect position, jumping into a handstand, or touching your toes with your fingers. It’s about consciously taking time for yourself, breathing, moving and feeling your body. A long term benefit of a yoga practice is of course more flexibility, strength and mobility in body and mind.
Yoga is for everyone, no matter what fitness level or injury. There are countless different styles in yoga from very calm and slow to sweaty — there is something for everyone. Even for injuries there are lots of variations that make almost any position possible. It’s best to try out a few classes and teachers, especially at the beginning, to see what you personally like best.
How can I book a class?
With us you have the opportunity to practice in 4 studios. In the studio 1040, 1070, 1150 and in our online studio in your own home. Our booking system is Eversports. You can book our classes from your browser as well as from your cell phone (in the app). Our 4 studios are divided by location in Eversports and each location has its own class schedule. You can find the studio by searching Eversports for Feelgoodstudio.… (1040/1070/1150/Online)
In Eversports you can find our 4 studios by searching for them individually:
Feelgoodstudio 1040
Feelgoodstudio 1070
Feelgoodstudio 1150
Feelgoodstudio Online
If you have problems with the booking, you can find a detailed explanation in english here or contact us at info@feelgoodstudio.at
Is online registration required for all classes?
To answer the question right away: the online registration is not obligatory, only in case of need, i.e. in the particularly busy units, those with pre-registration also have priority. We have limited the maximum number of participants per session in order to guarantee individual attention. In the interest of all participants, it is therefore advisable to register or cancel your registration for the units.
Your registration is binding, will be booked on your account and guarantees you a place in the session. In the interest of fairness to others, we ask that you cancel your registration in good time (up to 6 hours before the start of the session) if something comes up and you are unable to attend. Booked but not consumed units will not be credited again. The option “Late Cancel” (i.e. you cancelled less than 6 hours before the start of the lesson) is just an information for the teacher that you are not coming anymore, but the lesson will be charged, because no one from the waiting list had the chance to come at short notice.
How does the waiting list work?
If a class is fully booked, there is the option to put you on the waiting list. If you put yourself on the waiting list, you will receive a notification when a place becomes available again (because another customer has cancelled) and you can register for the place that has become free.
What do I need for my first yoga session?
What do I need for my first yoga session?Bring along
The most important thing: YOU
Comfortable clothing
For practicing you need clothes that you feel comfortable in and that you can move well in. In the Feelgoodstudio we attach great importance to the fact that you can be yourself — here is no room for appearances. The Feelgoodstudio is a colorful place where everyone can be dressed the way he/she wants — be yourself!
Yoga mat?
For all regular “non-hot” classes in our 3 studios 1070, 1040 & 1150 we offer free rental mats. But: the more intense, enthusiastic and enjoyable your yoga practice becomes, the more recommended it is to have your own mat (+ it’s ideal for practicing at home online classes & videos).
For “Hot” classes in 1150 please bring your own mat + towel. There is a possibility to rent a mat and a towel on site. mat 3€ | towel 3€ | mat + towel 5€
What do I need for my first Hot Yoga session?
If you want to practice Hot Yoga with us for the first time, just come about 20 minutes before the class starts, bring yoga clothes, yoga mat, 2 big towels and a water bottle (or borrow from us at 3 €). Attention: please do not eat at least 2 hours before the class!
In principle, each of our yoga classes is suitable for everyone, because all our teachers are experienced enough to offer options or alternatives to accommodate your uniqueness.
What do I have to consider if I want to practice yoga with you?
Be a Yogi, be on time
Our sessions start on time, so please be at the studio on time so you can still change, arrive in peace, etc. If it is your first time with us, please arrive at least 10 minutes before the session starts.
The practice room is a place of rest
Some of us start our practice with a few minutes of silence, please respect this and avoid conversations etc. in the practice room. By the way, your cell phone will be happy to wait for you (silently!) in the checkroom and has no business in the practice room.
A full belly does not like yoga
To get all the benefits of flexibility and mobility out of your practice, a full belly is a hindrance. Therefore, try not to eat for 2 hours before the practice.
Sauca means inner and outer cleanliness
One of the underlying concepts of any yoga practice is Sauca, which stands for inner and outer cleanliness. If you manage to leave any worries/burdens/to do’s etc. outside, you will be able to enjoy your practice more and who knows, maybe you will see it from a different point of view after the practice… The practice room is a cell phone and shoe free zone and we also ask you to keep clean clothes and physical hygiene in mind (you are welcome to shower before the session). Please leave large items (bags, backpacks) in the locker room and try to leave as little as possible lying around. External order clears your head and brings you inner peace.
First or almost first time on the yoga mat
Please let our teacher know so that we can meet your needs.
Is my Membership, Time Card or Block Card valid at all studios?
Yes! All cards and memberships are valid in all studios. Only the towel service is only available in 1150.
Does a Hot Yoga session cost more than a regular yoga class?
No! For the Hot Yoga classes the same prices apply as for all regular classes in the Feelgood studios. You can find all tickets here and of course they are also valid in the Hot Yoga Studio in 1150.
Can I borrow a yoga mat from you?
Yes with pleasure! We have rental mats in all studios. In the Hot Yoga Studio in Lugner City, the rental mat costs 3 euros because we have to clean it intensively after each session. In the other two studios (1070, 1040) the rental mats are currently free.
Can I practice yoga while pregnant with you?
No problem. Both as an experienced yogi and as a newbie: If you feel well and your doctor has cleared yoga for you, you can practice yoga during pregnancy. Please let our teachers know that you are pregnant. If you are unsure about how to practice yoga during pregnancy, please visit our pregnancy classes in studios 1040 and 1070. Our experienced teachers will be able to answer your questions.
If I buy a voucher at Studio 1040 — is it valid for all studios?
JA! Du kannst Deinen Feelgood Gutschein gerne in allen Studios einlösen. Mehr Infos zu Gutscheinen hier: https://www.feelgoodstudio.at/yoga-gutschein/