
Yoga & female health

A cen­ter­piece of our Feel­go­od Stu­dios is the top­ic of women’s health. We accom­pa­ny women around the top­ic of fem­i­nin­i­ty, preg­nan­cy and moth­er­hood: From the desire to have chil­dren, preg­nan­cy and birth prepa­ra­tion for cou­ples (pre­na­tal), to regres­sion after birth (post­na­tal).

We sup­port you in feel­ing com­fort­able with all these changes in your body and being a woman. It is impor­tant to us to cre­ate a space where you can exchange ideas with oth­er moth­ers and sim­ply be your­self. We also want to offer a space for top­ics around part­ner­ship, sex­u­al­i­ty and women’s health — before and after birth. There­fore, we have devel­oped an all-round offer for women and expec­tant moth­ers togeth­er with Dr. Med. Julia Rakus from Feel­go­odmed­i­cine. You can find some of the offers here:

Yoga für Schwangere
Yoga für Schwangere
Yoga für Schwangere
Yoga für Schwangere

Yoga for pregnant women

Yoga dur­ing preg­nan­cy improves your own body aware­ness, com­mu­ni­ca­tion between mom and baby and brings holis­tic well-being of body, mind and spir­it. Spe­cif­ic exer­cis­es strength­en and relax the back, teach to reg­u­late the breath and pre­pare for the changes of the body, as well as for the birth.

We are always asked: Can I prac­tice yoga dur­ing preg­nan­cy and if so, when? The answer is a clear: Yes! Every mom can start prac­tic­ing from the first day of preg­nan­cy, the exer­cis­es are adapt­ed to the progress of preg­nan­cy, reg­u­lar prac­tice is relax­ing and rec­om­mend­ed until the birth. Of course, all our preg­nan­cy teach­ers are moth­ers them­selves and can there­fore also answer far-reach­ing ques­tions from your own expe­ri­ence. You are also wel­come to attend “nor­mal” yoga class­es, as long as you feel com­fort­able and there is noth­ing med­ical­ly wrong. How­ev­er, please let our teach­ers know before the class so they can adjust the exer­cis­es for you.

If you pre­fer to prac­tice with us online, we rec­om­mend Julie’s Feel­go­od­ma­ma online course.

Birth preparation for mothers & partners

We have been offer­ing birth prepa­ra­tion cours­es for cou­ples for many years, because we know from our own expe­ri­ence that the “togeth­er­ness” dur­ing a birth can make a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to expe­ri­enc­ing this major event better/more inten­sive­ly. In the course we cov­er the fol­low­ing topics:

Prepa­ra­tion for birth for moth­ers & part­ners
Phas­es of birth
Birth posi­tions
Relax­ation and breath­ing exer­cis­es
Mas­sage tech­niques & hand move­ments dur­ing and after preg­nan­cy
Deal­ing with pain
emo­tion­al issues of the mom or the cou­ple
Sex­u­al­i­ty after birth
exchange & ques­tions
and much more!

This course is meant to pre­pare you well for your birth, but also to serve the exchange with oth­er Feel­go­od­ma­mas and cou­ples. Because you are nev­er alone! There is also enough space for all your ques­tions and per­son­al concerns.

Postnatal exercise and Mama Baby Yoga

Post­par­tum regres­sion varies indi­vid­u­al­ly from woman to woman, depend­ing on age and phys­i­cal pre­dis­po­si­tions, includ­ing con­nec­tive tis­sue, mus­cles and bones. Post­par­tum regres­sion is hor­mon­al­ly con­trolled and the body lit­er­al­ly begins to “regress” imme­di­ate­ly after birth.

The mother’s recov­ery phase after the birth is very impor­tant. Allow your­self plen­ty of rest and relax­ation dur­ing the post­par­tum peri­od so that you will soon feel strong again. 4–6 weeks after the birth you can start with the regres­sion units with us. The pur­pose of the post­par­tum rebal­anc­ing ses­sions is to help you find your­self again as a moth­er and a woman in your old — new body. We teach you gen­tle but effec­tive exer­cis­es that rebuild the mus­cle bal­ance between the abdom­i­nal and pelvic floor mus­cles. The goal of the post­par­tum exer­cis­es is to restore good abdom­i­nal and pelvic floor tone. We prac­tice with joy with­out overstraining!

If you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to come alone, all your atten­tion will be with you and your exer­cis­es. If you want to come with your baby, we are hap­py to see you both.

There will also be plen­ty of room for ques­tions and shar­ing to learn from each oth­er — mom­my to mom­my. All ses­sions can be attend­ed nor­mal­ly with 5/10 block or time cards.

Women’s health and osteopathy

At the Feel­go­odmed­i­cine Cen­ter for Pre­ven­tive Med­i­cine at Schot­ten­feldgasse 71, we offer you holis­tic med­ical sup­port before and after your preg­nan­cy by gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­er Dr. med. Julia Rakus and her team. We offer osteopa­thy and phys­io­ther­a­py, tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese med­i­cine (TCM; acupunc­ture, acu­pres­sure, etc.), nutri­tion­al coun­sel­ing, sex­u­al med­i­cine coun­sel­ing and much more espe­cial­ly for women.