It’s getting cold out there – tips from Ayurveda & TCM

It’s getting cold out there – tips from Ayurveda & TCM

  Autumn from the per­spec­tive of TCM Autumn is the sea­son of the Met­al ele­ment.  The lungs, nose, colon and skin are all close­ly linked to the Met­al ele­ment. In Autumn, it’s impor­tant that we strength­en these organs and pro­tect our­selves against…

tcm applied successfully

Some areas where TCM is used suc­cess­ful­ly today: Indi­vid­ual nutri­tion­al advice, ener­gy devel­op­ment, weight loss coach­ing Strength­en­ing the immune sys­tem Detox­i­fi­ca­tion, purifi­ca­tion Women’s issues: PMS, amen­or­rhea, PCO, change symptoms…

Moxa — Moxibustion

Moxa — Moxibustion

…ist das Stim­ulieren eines Akupunk­tur­punk­tes durch Erwär­mung mit Mox­akraut. Als Mox­akraut wird getrock­neter Bei­fuss ver­wen­det, der, wenn er glimmt, eine milde, angenehme Wärme ausstrahlt. Mit erhitztem Bei­fußkraut wer­den bes­timmte Punk­te am…



.. is also called cup­ping. This is also a method which used to be very com­mon in Europe. For this pur­pose, var­i­ous cup­ping heads are used. Made of glass, met­al, bam­boo or even acrylic. How does cup­ping work? The cup­ping heads are heat­ed inside and then quick­ly placed…



Gua-Sha is an ancient Chi­nese heal­ing method, lit­er­al­ly means “Gua-Sha” (Gua) of ten­sions with sub­se­quent skin red­ness (Sha). Sha means direct­ly trans­lat­ing ill­ness and sand, mean­ing a sub­lime, chirp-like skin rash, which can be visu­al­ized by…

tongue diagnosis

tongue diagnosis

… reflects our inner being. On the basis of var­i­ous cri­te­ria, such as cov­er­ing, col­or, thick­ness, tooth­prints or points, one can look at the inter­nal con­di­tion of the body. For this pur­pose, the tongue is divid­ed into dif­fer­ent areas, which…

Ear Acupuncture

Ear acupunc­ture is the young, Euro­pean vari­ant of clas­si­cal body acupunc­ture. She was born in Lyon in the 1950s. Paul Nogi­er devel­oped. It is char­ac­ter­ized by the fact that from the small, clear ear the entire body can be influ­enced reflec­tive­ly. In…

Pulse diagnosis

Pulse diagnosis

… is a vital­ly impor­tant tool in TCM diag­no­sis. The patient is assessed on the basis of their pulse. The prac­ti­tion­er feels the fre­quen­cy, depth, strength, rate, length, width, uni­for­mi­ty, rhythm and qual­i­ty of the pulse. These aspects pro­vide infor­ma­tion on the…



In order to release ten­sion in the mus­cu­lar area or to warm up parts of the body, sachets are formed from moist, hot cloths, which are filled with a vari­ety of herbs for the respec­tive needs. With these “herbal stamps” the pain points as well as spe­cial zones are…