
Your units

Yoga All Levels

We know, every­one can prac­tice yoga! No mat­ter whether you are the expe­ri­enced yogi, who already wakes up with both feet behind his head or you are just at the begin­ning of your yoga path: these units offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a date with yourself.

Yoga Inter­me­di­ate

As the name of this unit sug­gests, we go one step fur­ther in terms of inten­si­ty and depth of the exer­cis­es. Sweaty, some­times even the seem­ing­ly impos­si­ble is made true here: Reverse pos­tures and arm bal­ances are just as much a part of the pro­gram as are cre­ative vinyasas.

Yoga Basic

Per­fect for (re) begin­ners. Yoga has many forms, names and facets, so these units should also give you a glimpse of what yoga can be for you. Yoga basic units also have room for ques­tions and we like to repeat pro­ce­dures or exer­cis­es so that the units some­times have a kind of work­shop character.

Yoga for preg­nant women

Improves your own body aware­ness, the com­mu­ni­ca­tion between mom and baby and brings holis­tic well-being of body, mind and soul. Tar­get­ed exer­cis­es strength­en and relax the back, teach to reg­u­late the breath and pre­pare for the changes of the body, as well as on the birth.

Mom Baby Yoga / Ballet

This is the log­i­cal con­tin­u­a­tion of yoga for preg­nant women. Again, spe­cif­ic post-par­tum exer­cis­es are prac­ticed and recov­ery from spe­cial asanas is encouraged.

Regres­sion / regres­sion ballet

Relax & Restore

“Less is more”. These units are — as the name already sug­gests — to pur­pose­ful­ly relax and regen­er­ate. It is suit­able for prac­ti­tion­ers of all lev­els of expe­ri­ence, from begin­ners to advanced.

A word about the online registration

Is online reg­is­tra­tion nec­es­sary for all units?

» Yes!

We have now lim­it­ed the max­i­mum per unit to 15–16 par­tic­i­pants in 1070 and 22 par­tic­i­pants in 1040, respec­tive­ly, in order to be able to guar­an­tee indi­vid­ual sup­port. The online reg­is­tra­tion assures you in case of cas­es, i. in the most heav­i­ly vis­it­ed units, your place.

Your reg­is­tra­tion is bind­ing, so it will be cred­it­ed to your account and reserves your place in the unit. In the inter­ests of fair­ness to oth­ers, we ask for ear­ly can­cel­la­tion (is pos­si­ble up to 120 min­utes before the start of the les­son) if some­thing inter­venes between you and you can not attend.

Of course, you can also buy a new cred­it (10 block etc.) online as part of the registration.

If you have ques­tions about online reg­is­tra­tion, please con­tact Knut via